Help and FAQ's

We've tried our best to make the whole process of ordering your ink online from us as easy and hassle-free as possible. However, before contacting us with any questions about ordering from us or any order queries you may have, you will most likely find the answers here.

If you still can't find the information you're need, then please do not hesitate to contact us and one of our customer care team will help you out.


I haven’t received my order, what’s happened to it?

Please check your tracking number from your dispatch notification email for delivery information.

How long does delivery take?

It is estimated that Royal Mail Tracked 24 takes 1-3 days

Royal Mail Tracked 48 takes 2-5 days

Royal Mail International Tracked takes 7-10 days 

Can you ship to my country?

Yes, we can ship to most places, as long as the cartridge number is the same as ours in your region, but the price may vary. 

Does my order come tracked?

Most Items are tracked

I have bought the wrong cartridge.

The customer is liable for both returns and resends. Please contact us for your return options.

How do I return an item?

Please see the returns policy.

I can’t find my printer listed?

If you can’t find your printer listed please contact us and one of our printer support staff will help you out and find the correct cartridge for your printer.

Do I get an VAT invoice with my order?


Will this cartridge work in my country?

Cartridges have different chip capability in different regions. You need to check the cartridge number that you currently have with the one you want to buy.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept Apple Pay, PayPal, Credit Card and Debit Card.

Does ink cartridges come chipped?

Most do yes.

How much ink is in the cartridges?

It can vary depending on if you buy regular/normal or extra-large.

How will I know that the cartridge will fit my printer?

Make sure that your printer is listed in the description.

Why will the cartridge not fit into my printer?

Please remove the plastic protective transport clip and peel away the blue sealing tape before installing it into your printer.